P : PAT MCGEE : Revel 1997
Revel 1997
All Around Us текст песни
All Around Us
We cannot feel it, but we know it's all around us.
We cannot see it, but we know it's looking back at us.
It's the sense of all senses touching us in the kindest way.
Don't bother to show me, it's always the same way
And we're trying to get there tomorrow
Everyday is worse than it seems
There an be a better way I know
There can be another way but you've got to show
All around these towns, everyday is worse than it seems
We cannot feel it but we know it's all around us
We cannot find it, but we know we like the shape of it
What we put in the first time is what can expect
Back from all the expectations that bring us back to home base
We cannot feel it but we know it's all around us
We cannot find it but we know it's been lost in us
It's the sense of all senses touching us in the kindest way
Please don't bother to show me,
These have been the strangest days
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