P : PATTY LOVELESS : Up Against My Heart 1994
Up Against My Heart 1994
Jealous Bone текст песни
Jealous Bone
Somewhere deep down inside of my heart
Makes me feel things that tear me apart
Got a jealous bone, got a jealous bone
Ever since you walked into my life
Can't bear to see you outta my sight
Got a jealous bone, got a jealous bone
And I know I'm gonna run you off
If I don't learn to let you go
But oh---oh, you make me loose control
I was born---- with a jealous bone
See heads turn when you walk in the room
I know what they're thinkin' cause I'm thinkin' it too
Got a jealous bone, got a jealous bone
I feel blood pound all through my veins
Every last part of me is calling your name
Got a jealous bone, got a jealous bone
(repeat chorus)
Jealous bone, jealous bone, jealous bone, got a jealous bone
Got to have you baby, all to myself
Can't stand the thought of you with anyone else
Got a jealous bone, got a jealous bone
Jealous bone, got a jealous bone
Jealous bone, got a jealous bone
Jealous bone, got a jealous bone
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