P : PERRY BLAKE : Perry Blake 1989
Perry Blake 1989
Widows by The Radio текст песни
Widows by The Radio
Drink to our demolished home
Wher loss resides alone
Like a widow by the radio
Child, childhood is a place
Where sorrow comes of age
A widow by the radio
Try to understand
I couldn't hold your hand
I couldn't even hold a gun
Surely we could find
A reason or a sign
That everything's not gone for good
Autumn whispers through the trees
Cheap things to her and me
But patience wears a uniform
Nature take care of your sons
I think they have become
The darlings of the universe
Try to understand
I couldn't hold your hand
I couldn't even hold a gun
Surely we could hide
A reason or a sigh
That everything is gone for good.
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