P : PINK : Can't Take Me Home 2000
Can't Take Me Home 2000
Is It Love? текст песни
Is It Love?
1 - is it love or just curse?
Do you feel good when I hurt?
I need your heart to open up
If this love's not real then it's just my lucky
Mommy help me, I need your help
This little boy he took my love
He says these things
That make my body's bone pop
And then he runs
Leaving me undone
And I don't understand
In sex he said he'd be my man
Repeat 1
Daddy listen I gave it up
I'm not your little girl
My cherry and all the trust is missing
But please listen, what do I do?
I know you wanna hurt him
But I like what he do
He's only doing what you used to
Repeat 1
You never told me bout the birds and the bees
Or about hide and go seek
Or what he gets when he finds me
The biggest mistakes are the choices I make
Won't you help me decide?
What's going on in my mind?
Repeat 1 till end
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